Individual Teacher subscription

Supercharge your classes with eighteen lessons covering the whole GCSE current electricity syllabus for just £7.95 a month.


the most talented physics teachers.

Thoughtful teachers understand how hard it is to teach electricity well.


because the physics is right.

Knowledgeable teachers appreciate how rare good physics is.


innovative approaches.

Creative teachers always find something new to inspire them.

Free up your time for practicals and working with students

Use the 2-minute video to introduce a topic, integrate your own teaching magic with the standalone graphics and the simulations, then assess with the quizzes, before locking in the learning with the printable support materials.

Videos visuals quizzes and printable resources

Series and parallel simulations

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Over 90 standalone animations

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Over 50 two-minute videos

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Integrated within 18 lessons

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Build on your love of the simple circuit simulation with an Individual Teacher subscription.

Need to remind yourself what you’ll get with a subscription?

Check out what’s in the eighteen lessons, and maybe revisit the demo lesson.

Still not ready to subscribe or want to ask a question first?

No problem, but do keep on using the simple circuit simulation - it’s free.